Child Protection and Welfare
Moravian Orienteers take very seriously the wellbeing of everyone who comes orienteering, whatever their age, but we are particularly keen to ensure that juniors (whether members or visitors) are as safe as possible when participating in club events. Anyone with concerns about child safety or wellbeing should contact the Club's Child Protection and Welfare Officer, Liz Campbell (photo below).
Please contact her at (paste into email).
All our members who have significant contact with juniors are required to be members of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme and our Child Protection and Welfare Officer is easily contacted if any concerns should arise.
The club abides by the Scottish Orienteering Association's Child Protection Policy, which can be found in the General Policy Document on their website.
The Moravian Policies can be found at the links below or via our Governance page under Club Governance Documents.
Moravian Orienteers Child Protection and Welfare Policy Statement.pdf
Guidance Notes for Moravian Orienteers Child Protection and Welfare Policy.pdf